Here at Blue Grass Christian Camp our mission is to Disciple Youth, Encourage the Church, Empower the Family, and Engage the Community. And summer camp is definitely one of the venues where all four pillars of our mission are lived out. Yet, our off-season programming provides many ways to see our mission come to life as well. Specifically, we have found exciting ways to partner with churches throughout Central Kentucky to Encourage them and Empower their families. 

Keith Johnson is our Church and Family Resource Director and he would love to engage with you and explore ways where your church and Blue Grass can partner together in efforts to expand the Kingdom. 

Check out some of the ways we may be able to partner together below.

Strategic Parenting Retreat

Our enemy is doing everything in his power to tear apart the family. You see it. I see it.  Often families come into our congregations searching for help.

Imagine if there were some common denominators that help define parenting success. Good News! There are! Come learn what it takes to raise children who truly love the Lord with all their heart, soul and mind.

In one weekend, parents in your church will walk away with a vision what of a biblically healthy family looks like, and a specific plan for their family for the next year.

Strategic Parenting is not just another parenting class. It’s a class that teaches you how to be a proactive parent who is committed to raising the kind of adult(s) you want your child(ren) to be. 

This is one of the best classes I’ve ever attended!

-James Bush (Calvary Christian, Winchester)

Healthy Families

If you were to picture a “Healthy Family” in our culture today, what would you say it looked like? Social Media may give you a lot of images by which to compare your family. But, if that is our point of comparison, we may be doomed to fail. What if there was a better standard which would set your family up for success? What if there were a set of pictures that would serve as a vivid reminder of how a Healthy Family lives and communicates. Well there is. Discover how Colossians 3:12 creates a set  images that begin to paint the picture of how a family can be truly healthy.

The Healthy Families study has been a wonderful blessing for our Church Family. Keith’s conversational, yet in depth, teaching style makes for an engaging learning experience.“CKHGP” … the word with no vowels … will forever be stuck in my memory bank.

-Seth Lawson (Gateway, Mt Sterling)

Rich Dialogue in Philippians

A unique discussion-based inductive study of Paul’s letter to the Philippians. The goals of this class are to engage with the text of Philippians deeply, foster community through rich dialogue, and strengthen our Bible study skills. Or as Paul prayed so eloquently our hope is that together "(our) love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight...filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ."

Keith recently taught Philippians during our Sunday morning adult class time. When people walked into the classroom, they knew something different was about to happen. The chairs were not in rows facing the podium. Instead, the chairs were set up in groups of 6-8, facing each other. This journey through Philippians was unique. Keith always brings a high level of textual integrity whenever he teaches. Along with his genuine approach to the Word, he also brought structure without rigidity, thoughtful and probing questions. He set the class up right from the start for the participants to experience engaging conversations, not just another lecture on another book of the Bible. At the end of the class, people received several weeks of relevant exposure impacting their daily discipleship. If you're looking for a fresh approach to the book of Philippians, I'd recommend you check this out. I don't believe you'll be disappointed.

-Kevin Wooten (Southside Church of Christ, Lexington)

Relationship Principles of Jesus

What would you give to radically improve, even transform, what matters most in your relationships? Nothing matters more than relationships and no one understands them better than Jesus. Join us as we explore the foundational truths that Jesus taught about relationships. You'll be equipped with insights and a practical path for fulfilling God's intention for all your relationships, even the difficult ones. Our hope is that we will discover new health and richness to our marriages, families, friendships, and all the relationships in our lives.

The Relationship Principles of Jesus series was profoundly impactful for our church. Keith’s heartfelt teaching and practical insights helped us build stronger marriages, families, and friendships. This series is a blessing for any church seeking to grow in love and connection, and Keith’s engaging leadership makes it even more powerful.

-Seth Lawson (Gateway, Mt Sterling)

Six Ways to Set your Kids up for Success

In our desire to be engaged parents, we sometimes do our kids more harm than good. We want to put them in a safe box, tell them not to leave it, and believe that all will be well. Our best intentions as parents can often lead to a series of unintended consequences that could dangerously derail the emotional development of our children. If we want them to thrive, we've got to equip them. It's not about preparing the path for the child, but more about preparing the child for the path. That's is true success!

I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to participate in Six Ways to set your Kids up for Success with Keith Johnson. The course manages to balance accountability with encouragement, instruction with fellowship, and biblical principles with scientific research. I have regularly used the lessons and ideas that I gained from the course as I seek to raise my three children in a Godly and loving way. Parenting is difficult, and I am appreciative of the investment and the difference that this course and instructor has made with my family.

-Nate Muller, (Lexington, Dad)

Marriage Retreat

Research shows happy couples think in ways unhappy couples don't.

What if you could ensure your thoughts were setting you up to love well?

You can.

Work with Keith to design a Marriage Retreat that will encourage the couples in your church. Much of the teaching is based in Ted Lowe's acclaimed book Us In Mind. Lowe reminds us "that your thoughts are what matters most when it comes to marriage. Learning to change your mind by taking control of your thoughts can be the difference between a miserable marriage and a loving and fulfilling partnership for life."

Keith’s teaching is full of wisdom that comes from living out the principles he’s passing on. His approach is easy to grasp on to and he provides couples with new tools for their toolbox. I regularly hear couples from our church using some of the concepts they learned during a weekend marriage retreat that Keith led our group through.

-Todd Fox (City Church, West Virginia)

Family Game Night

Bring a little taste of camp to your church. We will play some of the best games and competitions we played each summer at camp. There will be games for kids and adults alike. You supply the families and we'll bring all the fun!

Section Title

Type the content for this section here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this section. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section. Once you click into this section, you will see the filler text disappear, and you can begin typing your real content. We’ve simply put in filler text in this area. No need to get caught up in the actual content of this body text, we've typed meaningless sentences.

Man Camp

Each Fall several churches from across Central Kentucky get together for a weekend of adventure and fellowship. We eat well, play hard, and look to go deeper in our faith. As men we all strive to be strong, courageous men who live without fear. This is a weekend you don't want to miss!

Type the content for this section here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this section. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section. Once you click into this section, you will see the filler text disappear, and you can begin typing your real content. We’ve simply put in filler text in this area. No need to get caught up in the actual content of this body text, we've typed meaningless sentences.

Pulpit Supply

Every year Keith prepares a message to encourage churches that request him to come and preach. His message is always based on a specific Scriptural text for that year. He blends the truth of Scripture with rich illustrations drawn from his experiences from camp. This year he is speaking from Luke 5. 

Click the picture to check out a video from his latest sermon.

Keith filled our pulpit one Sunday and did an outstanding job. He preached on parenting from a biblical perspective. He was not only a dynamic speaker that kept our church engaged, using relatable and engaging illustration, but he was also faithful to the Scriptures. Keith was great to work with, was well-prepared, and communicated well in advance.

-Dylan Bjorkland (Christview, Winchester)