6th - 8th grades

$435 per week 

plus tax

(optional weekend stay for $80)

2025 Dates

Session 1: June 15-20

Session 2: June 22-27


It's not really so much what you do at camp but who you do it with that makes Tribal so awesome!

Nightly Campfires

Possibly the best times at Tribal are spent around the nightly camp fires.

Off-site Trips

From hiking to lake day,

our adventurous off-site trips are sure to leave you with memories you won't find anywhere else at BGCC.

Martes Sucio

"Dirty Tuesday"

you'll definitely need a shower after you finish all these camp games!

Weekend Option

Tribal is built on a two week model. If you sign up for both weeks, you're welcome to stay the weekend for even more fun!